Thursday, September 24, 2015

Redneck/ DIY Wedding

Here it goes. My first post. On my first blog. Ever.

Sporadic, Do-It-Yourself as much as I can. 

Um, so here it goes. Yes, its Sept. 22 and I'm posting aof hingbout my wedding 2 months ago. I'm proud of it, and loved every minute I put into making and creating everything about it that I could. From the dresses to the center pieces to the whole pig that was farm raised and smoked the morning of. I want to share everything I made because of the countless blogs I read and used that helped me create such a special day.

Of everyone who helped, maybe $5,000 was spent on this whole thing, honeymoon included.

One of the best websites I found when planning this wedding all on my own was WeddingWire.

The tables and chairs were rented from a company in Sandpoint called All About Weddings. They were great and on time. Very flexible with payments and have delivery options as well.

This has been sitting in my drafts for a few days because I wanted to make sure I got the "ok's" from the people in the pictures I used. :] All that legal crap you know, watching Judge Judy and all every day after school, I may have learned a thing or two...

It all started with the dress. In March 2014, I found the dress I walked down the aisle in at Bridal Collections. After every other dress I liked ended up being the last one on clearance and the payment arrangements didn't work for my dad who paid for it.

My grandma made me this. By hand. That's right. My grandpa took off every board so she could sit and burn it by hand at a table and then put them back on. He also stained it.

I made all of the bridesmaid dresses using this tutorial on Knucklesalad, as well as this one on DIY Mommy. On the last one, I did not use the tube top she talks about. I did however make a waist band from the Knucklesalad tutorial. Here are my dresses.

These are the center pieces. I made 13 of these sets. With the tall vase, I took rubber bands and placed them around the jar in a design and spray painted it with Krylon Frosted Glass spray paint. Two coats maybe. Let them dry, and then be very careful when you cut the rubber bands off so you don't scrape the frost off. I tried spraying a sealant coat on top of the frosted glass, and it kind of just eliminated the frosted look. :(

My mother-in-law and I made the candles. We used wood wicks, which I wish I would've bought thicker. I bought the wicks from ebay, but I bought the lavender, lavender and citronella essential oils, and wax from Bulk Apothecary.

The littlest jars were the hardest. I tried three other attempts before figuring out to just add water to the glitter paint... I started by throwing a little Elmer's glue and glitter in the jar and rolling it around until it stuck and dried. That didn't turn out the way I wanted. So I tried again with a second coat. Nope. With glitter and paint? Nope. Just paint? Nope. A suggestion from my grandpa - "watered down paint"? Yes! Still two coats, but I finally figured the simplest thing worked! I used a glitter paint from Martha Stewart I bought at Jo Ann Fabrics.

There is a floating candle in the other two jars.

I made the ring bearer box out of a tree I cut down! I burned the lettering and the date myself. My grandpa drilled the hole for the rings and secured the two pieces with a nail as the hinge.

I had the girls throw lavender instead of rose petals, seeing as it was private property. And it smelled great too.

I was so lucky to be able to have both of my dads walk me down the aisle. It was one thing I wanted most of all. And my biological mom took the second picture below.

It was extremely important to us to have a sand ceremony to include his son, as I have been a part of their family.

The pig was raised on a farm not far from where this all took place. The groom, the best man and the groomsmen were up into the early hours of the morning of butchering it, trying to keep it as cold as possible until 7 in the morning so it could be put on the smoker.

The cake was nut and dairy free due to allergies and intolerances and was made by a close friend. It was delicious and I really wish I could've eaten more of it.

OH! I almost forgot! I also made all of the boutonniere for the guys. His dad's side, and mine.

Here are some other odds and ends I made that I almost forgot as well. 

The menu I did by hand: 

The bouquets:

And my sash: 

I made 90% of everything myself. I bought all the supplies from Michael's, Jo Ann Fabrics, and HobbyLobby. If you want more in depth tips or tutorials on anything, leave a comment and I will try to do my best! Thanks!